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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the website of La Casa Encendida, under the domain, and to the following:

  • All services and activities offered through the above website, including those that take place in collaboration with other organisations or professional individuals.

  • The communications that users send through the forms enabled for this purpose, through email and through telephone calls.

  • Some of the processing carried out on the premises of La Casa Encendida, such as video surveillance, the recording of activities and the WiFi service.

  • The communications that La Casa Encendida sends to subscribers of its newsletter.

  • The satisfaction or service assessment surveys in which users voluntarily participate.

GECESA, Gestión de Centros Culturales, S.A.U., is the body responsible for this processing as the corporate owner of the website and the manager of the personal data processing carried out at La Casa Encendida, an entity managed by GECESA and owned by the Fundación Obra Social y Monte de Piedad de Madrid (Fundación Montemadrid). The Legal Notice and Website Terms and Conditions of Use contain details of the company.

This policy privacy is drawn up in accordance with the requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/ 679, GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

Why do we collect data? What data do we collect and how do we collect them? What is the legal basis?

We process personal data in different ways:

  • When users visit the website

    When you visit the website, we collect data about your browsing experience through cookies.

    The legal basis for this processing, in the case of advertising and analytical cookies (statistics and marketing), is the consent you grant through the cookies banner.

    To find out more about the cookies we use and why we use them, see the Cookies Policy. You can access your cookies settings through the banner displayed when you open the website, or alternatively from this Cookies Policy section.

  • When users register on the website

    When you register on the website, we collect your first name, surname and email address. More information may be added after that, such as contact telephone numbers, date of birth, ID number, subscription to the newsletter, or any other relevant details. The purpose of this processing is to facilitate your enrolment (or that of a minor in your charge) for activities organised by La Casa Encendida, and to keep a record of the activities or events in which you have participated or are going to participate. The legal basis for this processing is the execution of a contract between the institution and you, and the adoption of pre-contractual measures if requested by you.

  • When users subscribe to our newsletter

    When you subscribe to our newsletter, we collect your first name, surname and email address. The purpose is to keep you informed of the activities of La Casa Encendida and send you news about promotions, competitions, events and services that you have told us are of interest to you.

    You subscribe to the newsletter when you register as a user of the website and confirm your interest in receiving the newsletter by ticking the box enabled for this purpose. The legal basis is therefore your express consent to receiving the newsletter.

    We also give you the option of allowing us to share your data with the Fundación Obra Social y Monte de Piedad de Madrid (Fundación Montemadrid), owner of La Casa Encendida, in order to receive information from the Foundation that may be of interest to you. See the Foundation's Privacy Policy.

  • When users contact us by email or through the contact form

    If we receive an enquiry from you through any channel, including telephone and social media, we at least collect your first name, surname and contact details, as well as any other information you voluntarily supply in relation to the subject of your enquiry or communication. We then process these data for the purpose of replying to you and handling your request or interest. The legal basis for this processing is the institution’s general interest in responding appropriately to your requests and communications and in a way that meets your expectations.

  • When we enter into agreement with partners to organise joint events or other types of activities

    On these occasions, we coordinate with other partners, promoters and sponsors regarding the collection and processing of personal data, always in relation to the purpose of the activity or event in question. We also regulate our relationship with them through contracts that establish the obligations of all parties regarding the processing of your data. The data collected and the collection mechanism depend on the event or activity in question but generally refer to identification and contact details. We therefore ask you to carefully read any associated rules, terms and conditions, and specific privacy policies, for which we usually request your express agreement or consent. The legal basis for this processing is its necessity for the execution of a contract between the institution and you regarding the activity or event in question.

  • When users request our services

    We collect your first name, surname and contact details, as well as any other information you provide, limited to the purpose of our services and protected by our confidentiality duty. This information may include details of other members of your organisation. We then process these data in order to draw up a proposal and provide the service. The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of the organisation in responding appropriately to your requests for services and in a way that meets your expectations.

  • When you enrol for activities and events (including training experiences, workshops and camps) organised by La Casa Encendida

    In cases where our activities require booking, pre-registration or enrolment, we at least process your identification and contact details. In cases where we use a participant selection process, we may collect additional information in order to assess your suitability or compliance with the necessary requirements for your participation. We may also request more details if necessary to carry out the activity or event, or to guarantee the health and safety of participants. We may collect these data when you register with the website of La Casa Encendida, either through a specific form or by email asking you submit the requested information. The legal basis for this processing is the necessity of executing the contract between the institution and you when you enrol for the activity or event in question.

    In addition, if the activity or event requires payment, whether through the purchase of tickets or another means of payment, we may process the necessary data to manage such payment, as well as any legally required financial and tax records. The legal basis for this payment-related processing is the necessity of executing the contract in which you are a party, and also implementing any legally required tax measures.

    Minors and dependents

    If the person participating in or attending activities and events is a minor, they must be registered or enrolled by the adult authorised to share and consent to the processing of their data.

    The user account for La Casa Encendida contains a minor management section for this purpose, the details of which will be recorded permanently to facilitate the minor’s enrolment in the activities of La Casa Encendida. The user is responsible for recording, updating or erasing these details.

    If the nature or type of activity requires additional information about the minor, including sensitive data such as health details or the processing of images, we will provide additional information about how and why we process such data and the legal basis for doing so.

  • When we assess the possibility of hiring workers

    When we receive CVs, which in addition to identification and contact data contain academic details and other information regarding the person’s professional experience. The legal basis is the adoption of pre-contractual measures at the request of the person (potential worker) who is interested in being hired.

  • When you access the premises of La Casa Encendida

    When you access the premises of La Casa Encendida we may collect and/or process different types of data depending on the purpose:

    To control physical access and the safety of the premises

    We process the images of the people who access different parts of La Casa Encendida. These images are captured through the video surveillance system deployed on the premises, and spaces where surveillance cameras are in operation are clearly indicated by the appropriate signs. The images recorded may only be viewed by security staff. They are kept for a maximum of 30 days in order to identify any safety incidents affecting people and objects, and to make them available to law enforcement agents or judicial authorities if required to do so. The legal basis for this processing is the public interest, in order to guarantee the safety of people and objects, and the facilities of La Casa Encendida.

    To control access to restricted areas of La Casa Encendida

    We process the identification and contact details of visitors who access certain areas of La Casa Encendida in order to verify that they have been duly authorised to access those areas, and as a safety measure for people, objects, and the facilities themselves. The legal basis is the institution's legitimate interest in protecting its facilities and the people and objects inside them, without undermining visitors’ rights and freedoms.

    To keep a record of registered attendees at activities and events

    We process the identification details of registered attendees at events and activities with limited capacity in order to verify that they are the people who actually show up and access them. The legal basis is the need to process the data to execute a contract with the party, as agreed during the registration process. The legitimate interest is the organisation's need to limit capacity in order to protect the safety of attendees.

  • When you take part in activities and events

    Some of our activities and events are broadcast and/or recorded in order to publicise cultural, educational and social initiatives more efficiently. These actions are indicated when you register, purchase tickets or enrol so that, in case you are identified, you can either give your consent or object to being registered or recorded. In the case of mass events or events with a large group of people where your exclusion would be impossible or would demand an unreasonable effort by the organisation, images will be registered as general shots rather than as specific people, therefore making it difficult to identify individuals. The legal basis is usually the organisation’s legitimate interest in being able to publicise the activities it carries out, including using posters to advertise such recordings, and the possibility of exercising the rights governed by this privacy policy.

    In cases where an artist, speaker or person playing a significant role in the event is going to be recorded, with whom a participation agreement is signed, the legal basis is the necessity of this processing for the execution of a contract with the party concerned, or their consent if the recording is secondary to the service provided.

  • When La Casa Encendida is requested to provide certain services

    Services such as internet access through the WiFi-enabled wireless connection devices located in the facilities of La Casa Encendida, and library loans, require the processing of identification and contact details in order to provide the service in question. The legal basis is therefore that such processing is necessary for the execution of a contract with the party concerned.

  • When we ask for your opinion about our activities and events, or other topics of interest

    We sometimes conduct surveys to find out your opinion about activities or events in which you have taken part, including both those that appear on our website and those which users of La Casa Encendida have requested. For some of these surveys we may ask for your identification details so that we can contact you for additional information, or for other personal details that allow us to create segments based on groups with shared interests. These surveys help us to improve our cultural programme and activities. The legal basis for processing these data is the consent you give us when you take part in these surveys.

How long do we keep your data?

We process data for the length of time necessary for the purposes described above. Once the purpose has been fulfilled, or if requested by you, we block the data for the length of time necessary to respond to any claims or requests from government or judicial authorities, i.e. for the statutory retention period. This does not apply to data obtained through the video surveillance system, which are erased after 30 days.

How to exercise your rights

As a data subject you may freely exercise your data protection rights. Specifically, you (and any minors registered or enrolled by you) have a right to:

  • Access your personal data

  • Correct your personal data

  • Erase your personal data

  • Restrict processing of your personal data

  • Object to the processing of your personal data

  • Revoke the consent you previously gave for the processing of your personal data

  • Request the portability of your data, provided it is possible

To exercise any of these rights, please send a written request to GECESA, Gestión de Centros Culturales, S.A.U., Ronda Valencia 2, 28012 Madrid; or alternatively send your request by email to [email protected]. You will need to accompany your request with a copy of your national ID card, passport or other valid identification document. If your request to exercise your rights is not handled to your satisfaction, you may file a complaint with the Spanish data protection agency or the relevant data protection authority in your country.

Email communications

If you receive our newsletter or campaigns sent through our mass mail system, you can object to receiving more communications through the links included at the end of those messages. In some cases, you can alter the frequency or type of content you want to receive.

Security measures

GECESA processes personal data with the strictest confidentiality, adopting all necessary technical and organisational measures to prevent their loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft.

GECESA only uses technology services that offer the appropriate guarantees for the processing of the data for which it is responsible, or which it accesses through its clients. As far as possible, we only work with providers whose infrastructures are located in the European Union. In other cases, we hire providers located in the United States that guarantee that they process data in line with the EU data protection regulation.

Social media and other third-party platforms

In order to publicise its activities as widely as possible, and also to interact with users, La Casa Encendida carries out some of its cultural and social experiences in the most common digital environments. GECESA therefore owns user accounts on different social media and digital platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, SoundCloud, Tiktok) where it is clearly identified as La Casa Encendida. The personal data processing we carry out through these platforms is in accordance with the processing undertaken by the platform owners, as set out in their terms and conditions and privacy policies, which are binding for all their users. If you require additional information about this processing, or if you wish to exercise your data protection rights regarding these platforms, you should take into account their privacy policies as well as this one.

Services provided by La Casa Encendida to other organisations

La Casa Encendida provides services to other organisations within the framework of the cultural and social activities it carries out. These services sometimes imply access to data for which those organisations are responsible. La Casa Encendida’s contract with these organisations allows it to access personal data to guarantee that such access is conducted with all the necessary security measures and that it meets all the requirements legally demanded of both the data controller and La Casa Encendida.

If you have accessed a service or activity of La Casa Encendida through another organisation, please contact them if you have any questions or requests regarding the processing of your data. However, we are at your entire disposal to assist you in the ways described in the section on exercising your rights.